Bourne Methodist Church
Whether you are exploring your faith, are new to Christianity or Church or seeking a new spiritual home, we very much hope you will come and visit our Church where you will receive a very warm welcome.
Sunday services are held from 10.30 am and last for about an hour. Join us after the service for coffee, biscuits and fellowship.
You will find us on Abbey Road in the heart of Bourne, please note that we use the entrance at the back of the Church.
The Church hall is open to visitors on Saturdays from 10am - 12 noon when you will also be able to view the interior of the church which was extensively modernised in 1995.
To view the Church at other times, please phone 01778 420021 to book an appointment.
There is a small car park for the Church and hall accessible between No's 13 & 17 Hereward Street. which is also the easiest entrance for disability vehicles.

Our Mission Statement
Open to God, growing in Christ
Reaching out to others
United in the power of the Holy Spirit
Minister: Rev Bekkie Wright
Safeguarding Officer: Barry Streets
To find out more about Methodist Churches in Bourne, Lincolnshire and in other areas visit http://www.methodist.org.uk/
Bourne Methodist Church, is a member of the
Stamford Circuit.